Pozdravljeni, na internetu sem iskal recept za pravo ameriško jabolčno pito in sem ga našel a v njem je bil tudi ingredient ki mu pravijo vegetable shortening...našel sem tudi razlago kaj je to...vendar ne morem pogruntat kako bi temu pri nas rekli in če se pri nas sploh dobi to:
vegetable shortening
A solid fat made from vegetable oils, such as SOYBEAN and COTTONSEED OIL. Although made from oil, shortening has been chemically transformed into a solid state through hydrogenation (see FATS AND OILS), a process that creates TRANS FATTY ACIDS and converts the mixture into a saturated fat, thereby destroying any polyunsaturate benefits. Vegetable shortening is virtually flavorless and may be substituted for other fats in baking and cooking. It can be stored at room temperature for up to a year.
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