26. mar 2013 13:53
Where are you, sick = Dje si, bolan
Whoareyou grass = Kositi travu
Runaway Hair = Bezanijska Kosa
Waiting All Right for Bread = Cekanje u redu za hleb
Oh Yes Gypsy Fox = Ada Ciganlija
Edge and Police Wagon = Ivica i Marica
In is = U, je!
Two Bad Milosh Dead = Dva losa ubise Milosa
On**** = Najebati
For**** = Zajebati
With**** = Sjebati
From**** = Izjebati
Of**** = Odjebati
Yes Little Duck = Dapace
Who Washes, Him Two = Ko umije njemu dvije
Who Plums You = Ko te sljivi
Who cuts your hair = Ko te sisa
I'm begging you translate me on the to a friend page of the inface = Molim vas prevedite me na drugu
stranu ulice
Dark of the job = Taman posla
On the face of the place = Na licu mesta
How yes no = Kako da ne
Worked Melissa = Radio Mileva
Worked table one = Radio 101
Meat Community = Mesna Zajednica
They put him Foxes = Stavili su mu lisice
Big knife tomorrow = Kama Sutra
I axed myself very much = Mnogo sam se sekirao
Small Before = Malopre
New Now = Novi Sad
Castration City = Skoplje
Forescratch City = Zagreb
Wart City = Pristina
Sarah Is An Ox City = Sarajevo
Wolfcook City = Vukovar
Wolf's 100 Square Meters City = Vukovar
Saturday City = Subotica
Small Saturday City = Subotica
Port Resort = Banja Luka (altern. Spa Harbor = Banja Luka)
Runaway Hair = Bezanijska Kosa
Oh Yes Gypsy Fox = Ada Ciganlija
To-Grandfather-her City = Dedinje
Notmind City = Neum
Slantox = Kosovo
No Cat = Nemacka
No C = Nemac
And That Fox = Italija
Who Washes, Him Two = Ko umije njemu dvije
To elephant to nowhy = Nasloniti se na nesto
Have you pushed = Sigurno
Where Bill = Debil
On those grandma's = Natenane
Table by table = 100%
Little tommorow = Malo sutra
Brides Money City = Mladenovac
Small is wetting the wood = Mali mokri lug
Nick was digging = Kopaonik
Nopain wellfaces = Bezbol palica
Rather = Njen pacov
Service road = Sluzbeni put
Forever = Prednja verzija
Forest = Za istok
I know my rights = Znam svoje desnjake
I am talking alone with the room = Priþam sam sa sobom
No Yes Stolen = Neda Ukraden
Yes To Little Cannon = Dado Topiþ
Hope Big Cannon = Nada Topþagiþ
Little Rose Little Juice = Ruzica Sokic
Happy Account = Radoje Kontic
Freeman Gentle**** = Slobodan Milosevic
But I And Brother-In-Law Escape = Alija Izetbegovic
Peace I on = Mirjana
Peacewho = Mirko
Kissopeace = Ljubomir
Andout = Ivan
Earlywho = Ranko
Mroftalp Gnikrow = Aleksandar (od Working Platform = Radna skela)
Gentleis = Miloje
Mildis = Blagoje
Apartmentwho (Flatwho) = Stanko
Colorado = Bojan
Apartmentandpeace = Stanimir
Warandpeace = Ratimir
Dearkiss = Dragoljub
Who-what-on = Kostana
Mt. Nick-Was-Digging = Kopaonik
Mt. Noise-Oils = Bukulja
Mt. I-Chorus-and-on = Jahorina
Mt. Damned-and-is = Prokletije
Mt. He-was-Like-an-Ox = Biokovo
Mt. Flat = Ravna Gora
"Stressed is desserts spelled backwards!"