9. maj 2006 14:13
mesok, poglej v googla (a, če govoriš angleško, boš našel bolj natančna navodila, kako globoko in predvsem kdaj je treba zarezat javorje in seveda se po možnosti prepričaj, če imaš pravo vrsto. Mogoče je treba prej tudi kaj zalivat ali pa ne smeš zalivat... Vem, da metoda ni ravno težka, v principu sok res priteče ven, ko zarežeš, je pa seveda pomembno, kdaj to narediš, verjetno pa je treba imet malo grifa za to... Iz enciklopedije Univerity of Columbia (ena boljših univerz v ZDA): "Maple syrup is the concentrated sap obtained for commercial purposes from the sugar maple and the black maple. Sap flows intermittently for periods of up to six weeks in the spring, is caught in buckets, strained, and concentrated by boiling to a density of 11 lb (4.9 kg) per gal for syrup or evaporated further for sugar. The syrup and sugar, first prepared by Native Americans (by dropping hot rocks into the sap or by freezing out the water) became the staple sweetening used by the colonists and remained important until c.1875. As cane sugar—with a higher saccharine content and a lower manufacturing cost—gained precedence and as the maple forest stands, or “sugar bush,” were depleted, maple sugar and syrup became scarcer and are now used mainly for confectionery and for flavoring, especially of tobacco. Vermont and New York are the chief producing states. Maples are classified in the division Magnoliophyta, class Magnoliopsida, order Sapindales, family Aceraceae." Veri