Celebration breads (english)

neznan uporabnik
tema odprta - 8. avg 2001 13:54 | ogledi: 2.130 | odgovori: 0

I am writing a book for the American publishing company Simon and Schuster. The name of the book is Celebration Breads from Around the World. Their histories, tales and traditions.

I would like to know if there are festivals and celebrations in your country that use special breads. If so, could you please send me information about these festivals and the breads. If possible, I would like recipes for the breads too.

Any help you can offer in my research will be greatly appreciated. If I use your information, I would like to know how I should list the source so I can properly thank your country in the acknowledgement section of my book.

Betsy Oppenneer, CCP

The Breadworks, Inc.

333 Choate Road

Enfield, NH 03748 USA

603-632-9171/fax 603-632-5725

WEBSITE: http://www.breadworksinc.com


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