Sausages (english) - klobase z rižem in ajd. kašo

neznan uporabnik
tema odprta - 8. avg 2001 13:44 | ogledi: 5.133 | odgovori: 4

I"m trying to find a specific sausage that a friend of mine relly likes. She calls it either Slovakian or Slovenian sausage. Sorry I get them confused since I know both also have a potica. The sausage she remembers has rice in it and crumbles when it is cut. I don"t know if it is some variation of a kolbasa or not but I have not seen a kolbasa recipe with rice as an ingrediant. She also had something similar with buck wheat in it but liked it less. Any help in finding what this is would be appreciated .

D Lori

neznan uporabnik

9. avg 2001 9:28

Hi, I thing that you thinking a sausage- klobasa called KRVAVICA. This is very popular sausage in our country at winter time, when we kill pigs ( I dont know haw to say this more decent). Krvavica is made of blood, special rices ( it is diferent from villages to vilages), spices,... Sory that is all I know abouth this- and very very sory abouth my English! Lep pozdrav Anja Spremenil(a) - anja_hajdinjak dne 09 avg 2001 09:33:24

neznan uporabnik

9. avg 2001 12:05

My sister translate me krvavica in English: Black puding! Anja

neznan uporabnik

9. avg 2001 15:42

Sorry! I think black pudding is strictly English dish, and I"m not shure -if our friend is an American, that he would know it. And as far as I know, black pudding is prepared without rice. Not of much help, but I hope you will find some more information. Best regards Tinca

neznan uporabnik

12. avg 2001 0:21

Hello, well, I can say that we don"t get exactly the same sausage in Massachusetts, but we do get something very similar. I believe it"s of Portugese origin, the sausage is not exactly krvavica, but it"s a blood sausage. It has some rice but it"s not the base of it the same as it would be with krvavica, but it does crumble when you cut it. The flavor and texture of it is different, though. You might want to try to get some phone numbers to butchers in areas that have a lot of Slovene people - like Cleveland. They make all the Slovenian meats and I bet you that you could get someone to ship them to you (at least in Winter, when it"s colder, if they wouldn"t pack it on ice). Hope this helps.

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