Potica mold (english)

neznan uporabnik
tema odprta - 8. avg 2001 13:40 | ogledi: 7.041 | odgovori: 1

1. I would like a recipe in english for Gibanica

2. I would like to buy a potica mold. Could you please send me an address of where to send for one.

Jean Stueland


neznan uporabnik

23. avg 2001 6:20

Hi Jean Here is a recipe for Prekmurska gibanica. It is from the cook book ( English) titled TRADITIONAL SLOVENIAN COOKERY published by Slovene Publishing Co. (MK) ingredients: The Flan Pastry for base: 250g flour 80g butter 1 egg 2-3 tbsp cream a pinch of salt 1 tsp sugar The Filo pastry for layers: 400 g flour 1 egg 2 tbsp oil a dash of vinegar or lemon juice a little lukewarm water a pinch of salt The Poppy Seed Filling: 200 g ground poppy seeds 50 g sugar few drops vanilla extract abb. 100 ml milk or cream 1 egg The Cottage Chesse Filling: 400 g cottage chesse 1 egg 100 ml sour cream 50 g raisins 50 g sugar The Walnut Filling: 200 g ground wallnuts 50 g sugar few drops vanilla extracts cinnamon ( to taste) 100-200 ml milk The Apple Filling: 500 g apples 30 g sugar grated peel of 1 lemon cinnamon (to taste) butter to greasing the baking pan cream for topping( to taste) Gibanica is made from two type of pastry: flan and filo. The flan pastry is used to cover the bottom of the deep baking pan, since the base must be harder because gibanica is heavy. Mix all the ingredients for the flan pastry in the bowl. Knead thoroughly until the dough is smooth and well mixed ; allowe to rest for 30 min. In teh meantime, prepare the filo pastry; mix all the ingredients into a dough, make several smaller loaves and allow them to rest for 30 min. While the dough is resting, prepare the fillings: Poppy Seed Filling-grind the seeds, scald with boiling milk, add sugar, spices and vanilla , then mix. Cottage Cheese Filling-break up the cottage cheese with the fork; add the egg; cream ,washed raisins and sugar. Mix thoroughly. Walnut Filling- grind the walnuts and scald with milk, add sugar,vanilla and cinnamon then mix. This filling must be a smooth paste. Apple Filling- peel the apples, cut into thin slices, then stew with sugar. Add the cinnamon and grated lemon peel. Roll out the more brittle flan pastry dough to 1/4 inch thickness and use it to line a greased baking dish, preferably an earthen one. The dough must stretch over the edge of the dish. Sprinkle some flour over a cloth and strech the filo dough very thinly over it and allowe to dry a little. Now you can start composing the gibanica. Spread a 1/2 inch thick layer of poppy seed filling on the flan pastry, cover with a sheet of filo pastry and sprinkle with some melted butter. Spread the cottage cheese filling over the filo pastry and cover with another piece of filo pastry and again sprinkle with melted butter. Spread the walnut filling over this leaf, cover with another leaf of filo pastry and sprinkle with butter. Make a layer of apple filling , cover it with another piece of filo pastry and sprinkle with more butter. Repeat the whole process again. Cover the final layer of filling with one or two leaves of filo pastry and sprinkle with butter. Finally spread some cream over the gibanica and bake in a moderate preheated oven for app. one hour. As far as potica mold. If you live in the States , you can find one in any better kitchen store, EKCO bakeware has very similar mold, (metal). If you want to have a stoneware , you will probably have to go to Sovenija to get one. I hope you"ll have a lot of fun making gibanica Best Regards Marco Polo

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