Rastline za odganjanje mačk iz vrta


član od: 13.2.2009

sporočila: 34

tema odprta - 8. maj 2013 6:47 | ogledi: 18.925 | odgovori: 12

Že kar nekaj časa mi nagajajo sosedove mačke. Po celem vrtu imam same luknje in v njih ...veste kaj. Pravijo, da jim smrdijo rastline coleus canina. Kje se jih da dobiti?. Hvala za odgovore.



član od: 27.9.2005

sporočila: 442

8. maj 2013 8:56

Se bojim, da bo to boj z mlini na veter. Verjetno bo bolj pomagalo, da globoko vdihneš in si večkrat zapored rečeš, da te mačji kakci ne motijo. Saj verjetno ni tako grozno, kajne?



član od: 14.2.2005

sporočila: 17828

8. maj 2013 9:04

Pokrij s kopreno ali protitočno mrežo ali.....to je praktično edina rešitev. Ali pes, ki jih bo (če jih bo doganjal) in bo vrt pohodil on.



član od: 2.3.2004

sporočila: 505

8. maj 2013 11:00

Rimljanka, koprena je ena taka fina zadeva za muce. Če je sonce se naš raztegne po kopreni in prav lepo zaspi. Če pa ni sonca pa že najde kakšno luknjo in se splazi pod kopreno in spodaj zaspi. Najbolša obramba proti našim mačkonom je poper. Muce običajno hodijo na eno in isto mesto na potrebo in tam posujem poper ali pa cimet. Deluje, le precej popra gre



član od: 26.5.2003

sporočila: 936

8. maj 2013 14:59

Jaz sem imela rastlino, ki naj bi odganjala muce, pa je sosedova mačka zaspala ob njej in to tako, da je imela glavo v rastlini. Poper pa res pomaga.



član od: 7.7.2007

sporočila: 131

9. maj 2013 13:57

 Tukaj je nekaj nasvetov:

  amonia soaked (corncobs, etc)
* aluminum foil
* bamboo skewers
* black pepper
* blood meal fertilizer
* bramble cuttings
* Carefresh - "recycled" wood pulp
* catnip - donated into your neighbor's yards (so they'll stay in their own yards)
* cedar compost
* chicken wire (metal or plastic)
* cinnamon
* citrus peels
* citrus spray
* cocoa bean shells
* coffee grounds -fresh & unbrewed, not just a light sprinkling (highly recommended by MANY Gardenwebbers!)
* dogs
* electric fence for animals
* essence of orange. essence of lemon, lime (citrus essential oils)
* fresh manure(ditto)
* garlic cloves
* gumballs from the Sweet Gum Tree
* gutter covers
* hardware cloth
* heavy bark mulch
* holly leaves
* keep the area damp, they like dry soil
* lavender
* liquid manure (good for your garden too)
* motion sensor sprinkler
* pennyroyal
* pinecones
* pipe tobacco
* plastic forks
* predator urine
* red wine vinegar
* river rocks over the exposed soil
* rocks, crushed
* rose bush clippings
* rue, an herb (Ruta graveolens) (highly recommended in plant form only)
* short twigs throughout the planted area about 6" apart
* six-inch bamboo skewers (pointy side up)
* Spray on your leaves (not the cat): fill a spray bottle with 1/2 t chili powder, 1/2 t cayenne pepper, 1 t dish soap and water
* squirt gun with water
* talk to your neighbors
* tansy
* thorny berry, lilac, hawthorn, rose clippings
* toothpicks
* upside down vinyl carpet
* vinegar sprayed on areas where they roam
* water bottle on "stream"

*** chili powder, red crushed pepper, cayenne pepper (NOT recommended), it gets on the cat's paws then they wash themselves and they get it in their eyes, beware cats have literally scratched their eyes out because of this. Even if it's one cat out of 500 infected in this way, that's one too many for me.
*** Don't ever use mothballs or flakes. Those little toxic waste pellets destroy cats' kidney function, could seriously harm people who handle them, and yes, contaminate your own garden soil. Their packaging even warns against using them this way.





član od: 14.2.2005

sporočila: 17828

9. maj 2013 14:42

Tole je slovenski forum in bi bilo lepo, če bi se pisalo slovensko ali pa se vsaj navedel vir tegale C/P plagiata.



član od: 25.9.2011

sporočila: 53

9. maj 2013 21:17

kaj pa elektronska naprava za odganjanje mačk in psov? 

mi smo s tako napravo odgnali polhe.




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