

član od: 26.11.2008

sporočila: 3

tema odprta - 2. maj 2013 19:23 | ogledi: 5.434 | odgovori: 15


Doma obožujemo prigrizke s sezamom in sirom, katere lahko kupiš v šparu in milerju, ampak tisti majhen paketek te pride 2 evra... tako da bi se tega projekta nekako preizkusila tudi sama, pa nimam pojma kako nerediti takšne prigrizke! S tem ne mislim, da morajo biti identični, ampak nekaj za vmes, za na hitro... Peče katera od vas takšne stvari? Zelo zelo bom vesela katerega koli recepta v tej smeri!





član od: 14.10.2006

sporočila: 602

2. maj 2013 20:16

Kupiš  listnato testo( jaz ga vzamem v lidlu, ko je v akciji in ga zamrznem). Narežeš na trakce, če hošeč ga lahko poljubno zviješ. Pomažeš z beljakom potreseš, z sezamom, makom ali kaj druga daš gor. Jaz sem naredila že tudi z naribanim sirom. Daš v pečico in spečeš. Se mi zdi, da je to še najcenejša varianta.



član od: 26.11.2008

sporočila: 3

3. maj 2013 19:56

Super ste!


nekaj od naštetega bom sigurno naredila!





član od: 11.6.2003

sporočila: 878

3. maj 2013 21:00

meni so pa ful dobri brusketi in našla recept: 


French bread - olive oil - cold pressed - fresh basil - garlic - salt and pepper may be added other ingredients normally used in Mediterranean cuisine: tomato, various cheeses, prosciutto and vegetables .. The most varied combinations. But first lets see how to make simple bruskete. / ul Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees. Cut bread into slices 1 cm thick. Sort bread on baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake it for about 10 minutes. While bread baking can prepare the other ingredients for bruskete. Peel a few cloves of garlic. Hot, toasted bread, rub with garlic. Onions are not cuts, but the whole clove port used to be coated surfaces of bread. Add salt and pepper if you like, and sprinkle finely chopped basil. It remains only to spill a few drops of olive oil and bruschetti are over! bruschetti prepared in this way are very delicious, but youll probably want to add ingredients. Here are some recipes for you only need a little extra effort and time.
Brusketi with tomato
- Basic recipe for bruskete - tomato - mozzarella / ul Preparation: 1st
While bread is baking, chop the tomatoes into small cubes 2. When bruschetti prepared - the basic recipe -, put sliced ​​tomatoes from above and sprinkle chopped basil. 3 Cut some fresh mozzarella on the bread and add the tomatoes. 4 Pour the olive oil. / ul
with prosciutto - ham - the best prosciutto from Parma-Prosciutto di Parma - mozzarella / ul Preparation:
- bruskete ready to put on one sheet of thinly cut prosciutto. - Put a few pieces of fresh mozzarella and all pour a few drops of oil. / ul
Brusketi with zucchini and eggplant
- zucchini - eggplant - tomatoes - oregano / ul Preparation: Prepare first
bruskete. 2 . Cut the zucchini and eggplant thinly, then grilovati the grill pan or electric grill. 3 When the grilled, cut into strips, season them with salt and pepper and agree to bruskete 4. Add fresh tomatoes chopped into cubes. 5th Sprinkle with basil or oregano and cover with olive oil. / ul
with mushrooms - Marinated mushrooms or fresh - oregano - Olive / ul Preparation:
first Marinated mushrooms drain and chop. Fresh mushroom stew in a little oil with onion. second bruskete prepared to put the mushrooms and chopped olives. third and added a little spice oregano to taste better. / ul
Brusketi with olives
ul - green olives - black olives - oregano - mozzarella / ul Preparation:
first olives cut into small slices, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with oregano or basil to taste. 2nd Add some fresh mozzarella and olive oil as a dressing. / ul
Brusketi with gorgonzola gorgonzola-
- red or blue cheese - Preparation:
first gorgonzola cheese cut into small slices and place on toasted bread smeared with garlic. 2 will be enough only a few drops of olive oil to this simple recipe is really tasty. / ul Brusketi are great and when you make tuna or seafood, fresh vegetables or as ordinary Sandwich ... For whatever you choose will be delicious. This is recipe that can not fail. SavetiZa bruschetti preparation is commonly used French bread, but if you have any other, even stale bread from the previous day, will not mind. If you feel that the bruschetti too small, you can cut the baguette at an angle and so get larger slices, and keep their round / oval shape. If you do not have mozzarella, or do not like, it will serve any fresh cheese-cow, goat, feta cheese. Prepare bruskete of residues that have in the fridge, because all that is necessary for bruskete delicious bread, garlic, oil and basil. rest is optional. olive oil is required. Fresh basil gives the true flavor of pitta bread and should not be changed for the dried spice, because it is completely different taste.



član od: 15.2.2011

sporočila: 4005

4. maj 2013 13:42

Suzanaz...fajn bi bilo če bi napisala v slovenšč kratko, pa bo širši množici razumljivo..



član od: 2.5.2013

sporočila: 4

4. maj 2013 16:30

kako se pa jabuk nareže


hvala za razumevanje



član od: 25.5.2006

sporočila: 5457

4. maj 2013 17:08

ce nimas se dveh pomocnikov, tezko :(


član od: 28.4.2004

sporočila: 3697

4. maj 2013 18:33

Mislim  da se norca počitnice in zgled da nimajo kaj počet...

lp goga


član od: 25.5.2006

sporočila: 5457

4. maj 2013 18:54

Kaksne pa imas goga ;) ce ne zna mu je treba pomagat. Jaz ti za 20 € na uro plus potni stroski lahko pokazem. Aja ne smem, ko to je potem reklama :)


član od: 21.12.2006

sporočila: 497

4. maj 2013 19:35

abc345678910 je napisal/a:

kako se pa jabuk nareže


hvala za razumevanje



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