31. avg 2013 16:08
no ja, ta visoka temperatura pri normalnem segrevanju pa res ni velikokrat dosezena - razen ce za kuho uporabljas olje avokada ali rizevih otrobov, vsa ostala imajo namrec precej nizjo temperaturo dimljenja. Ali drugace, ko se ti zacne kadit soncnicno olje imas sele 232°C in teflon bo zacel razpadat sele cez kako minuto. Razen ce ne upostevas navodil in seveda hajcas prazno ponev.
At high temperatures, the quality of the coating may begin to deteriorate — it may discolor or lose its nonstick quality. This can begin to occur at temperatures above 500°F (260°C). If heated to an extremely high temperature, the coating may begin to decompose and give off fumes. Fats, butter, or cooking oil will begin to scorch and smoke at about 400°F (204°C). DuPont nonstick coatings will not begin to significantly decompose until temperatures exceed about 660°F (349°C) — well above the smoke point for cooking oil, fats or butter. It is therefore unlikely that decomposition temperatures for nonstick cookware would be reached while cooking without burning food to an inedible state. (http://www2.dupont.com/Teflon/en_US/products/safety/)
emajlirani piskri se prodajajo ze ves cas in so smesno poceni, taki kot so bili od babic in celo malo lepsi, fensi imajo pa fensi ceno. Zdaj se mi ne da iskat, ampak emajlirana posoda naj bi imela pa tezke kovine, kar je spet zdravju skodljivo, itd, itd,...
Ce beres reviews za nonsticking ceramic coating bos ugotovil to kar smo mi, na zacetku odlicna, pa parih mesecih - (obicajno je to pol leta) redne uporabe pa vecina izgubi "nelepljive" lastnosti pri tem pa ne izgleda nic drugace.
Jaz od teh moznosti se vedno raje izberem teflon.
"Stressed is desserts spelled backwards!"