24. jan 2009 9:57
Tisti, ki je gledal film, bo vedel zakaj gre (ta monolog je itak legendarni): ...Look but dont touch Touch but dont taste Taste but dont swallow... (Al Pacino v filmu Devil s Advocate) anajana
24. jan 2009 9:57
Tisti, ki je gledal film, bo vedel zakaj gre (ta monolog je itak legendarni): ...Look but dont touch Touch but dont taste Taste but dont swallow... (Al Pacino v filmu Devil s Advocate) anajana
24. jan 2009 10:46
Moja sta vsaj dva: dialog iz The Silence of the Lambs, ki se konca z "Hannibal Lecter: You still wake up sometimes, don't you? You wake up in the dark and hear the screaming of the lambs. Clarice Starling: Yes. Hannibal Lecter: And you think if you save poor Catherine, you could make them stop, don't you? You think if Catherine lives, you won't wake up in the dark ever again to that awful screaming of the lambs. Clarice Starling: I don't know. I don't know. Hannibal Lecter: Thank you, Clarice. Thank you." in zadnje besede Roya Battyja iz Blade Runnerja: "'I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those... moments... will be lost in time... like tears in rain. Time to die." V zadnjih tednih se je pa temu pridruzil se en dialog, med katerim mi zastaja dih - scena iz britanske noir crime drame, George Gently, ki se jo da vsake toliko casa v poznih vecernih urah videti na Hallmarku. Bom opozorila nanjo, cim bo naslednjic na sporedu. lp, proxima
24. jan 2009 10:56
Proxy, a tole si imdb.com snela? Meni je sicer nepresežena tista: Houston, I think we have a problem..... - ko je začel Apollo 13 tarokirati.... Pa tudi tista oznaka - čeprav je v osnovi literarna (Tenesse Williams) - v Mački na vroči pločevinasti strehi, s katero se označuje Brickove nečake in svakinjo: no-neck monsters....(brezvratne pošasti). To oznako sem si ogromnokrat sposodila in je bil prav gušt kako sitnobo takole imenovati.... Vendelina jr.
24. jan 2009 13:15
"Love me, or leave me. But don't stay because I'm blind and don't go because I'm blind.! Iz filma Buterflies are free akim
24. jan 2009 15:20
24. jan 2009 16:20
I shall say this only once... :) sara
24. jan 2009 17:25
sara.vidmar je napisal/a: |
I shall say this only once... :) sara |
24. jan 2009 17:43
Ne morem verjet, da ga še nobena ni napisala ... Jessep: You want answers? Kaffee: I think I'm entitled. Jessep: You want answers?! Kaffee: I want the truth! Jessep: You can’t handle the truth! (A Few Good Men) s0ncek*
24. jan 2009 19:03
I think I saw a pussy cat! - Tweety.
24. jan 2009 19:16
DAnes sem gledala hecnega inšpketorija Clouseauja in se spomnila citata njegovega šefa: "V primerjavi z njim je bill Atila the Hun aktivist Rdečega križa."
mamamiaKulinarična Slovenija ne odgovarja za vsebino foruma! Vse napisano je odgovornost piscev besedil.
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