Angleški kuharski izrazi


član od: 12.12.2001

sporočila: 7859

9. sep 2008 11:13

Saj tiramisu je že passe, kar se mene tiče, ma v nedeljo sem ga pa res sanjala. Pravzaprav sem bila kot tisti dino koš v Kremenčkovih, požrla sem dobesedno vse, kar so postavili pred mene, še celo klasika pico sem jedla, je nikoli ne jem, pa to ne samo eno, pa ledeno kavo, kekse, čokolado, celo en pir sem zvrnila vase, coca colo. Zdrava je bila menda samo tista voda, ki sem jo dobila vmes na okrepčevalnicah. Madonca, ne bom več šla na kak daljši športni podvig, če ratam potem kar kanta za smeti. Sem še ponoči vdirala v hladilnik. Kot da nisem jaz jaz.


Na plan s kinky idejami, sem ravno ta prave volje, no, sem že nekaj cajta ta prave volje, naj nikar ne mine

Loni Makaroni

Sporočilo je spremenil(a) Loni dne 09. sep 2008 13:02:26


član od: 21.10.2004

sporočila: 4272

9. sep 2008 12:25

Vendy, pecilni prašek ni isto kot soda bikarbona! Pecilni prašek je sestavljen iz vinskega kamna in sode bikarbone. Veri

Vendelina jr.  

član od: 17.5.2006

sporočila: 9217

9. sep 2008 14:11

Thnx, Veri. Vendelina jr.


član od: 19.3.2002

sporočila: 2740

10. sep 2008 9:09

ze parkrat sem dala link meni priljubljene strani Cook"s Thesaurus, pa bom verjetno se parkrat: Stran je izredno uporabna, posebej za kuharske navdusence ki radi preizkusajo "eksoticne" recepte, saj prakticno za vsako sestavino izvemo kaj to je, kako se jo lahko nadomesti in vcasih tudi to, kako jo lahko sami pripravimo. Poleg tega so zraven pogosto tudi slike, tako da lazje najdemo izdelek v trgovini. npr. cream Varieties: Creams vary according to the amount of butterfat they have. Lightest of all is half & half, which is half milk, half cream and weighs in with a butterfat content between 10.5 - 18%. It can"t be whipped, but it"s nice with coffee, or on cereal. Light cream = coffee cream = table cream is richer at 18 - 30% fat, but it still can"t be whipped. Light whipping cream = whipping cream (with a butterfat content of 30 - 36%) and heavy cream = heavy whipping cream (with at least 36% fat) are heavy enough to whip, and aren"t as prone as lower-fat creams to curdling in sauces. The higher the butterfat content, the less beating is required to get whipped cream. Europeans go for even heavier creams, like double cream (with a butterfat content of 42%), extra-thick double cream, and clotted cream = Devonshire cream, which is often spread like butter over scones. Look for clotted cream in large supermarkets, but (perhaps luckily) the double creams are very hard to find. You can buy ultra-pasteurized versions of these creams, but they tend to have a burnt milk taste and don"t whip as well. Substitutes: evaporated milk (This is lower in fat, and it"s hard to whip. It also has a slight burnt milk taste.) OR yogurt (This tends to curdle in hot sauces or soups, but it works well in cold soups.) double cream (42% fat) Notes: This isn"t available in the United States. Substitutes: heavy cream (this has a butterfat content of at least 36%) OR créme fraîche (as a dessert topping) OR egg custard (as a dessert topping) golden syrup = cane juice = jus de canne = cane syrup = sugar cane juice = light treacle Notes: This amber-colored liquid sweetener is popular among British, Caribbean, and Creole cooks. It"s made by evaporating sugar cane juice until it"s thick and syrupy. Lyle"s Golden Syrup and Steen"s Pure Cane Syrup are popular brands. Substitutes: Combine two parts light corn syrup plus one part molasses OR equal parts honey and corn syrup OR maple syrup (This is thinner, and not as sweet.) OR dark corn syrup (This is thnner and not as sweet as golden syrup. If you like, try reducing the corn syrup in a saucepan to thicken it.) OR light corn syrup (This is thnner and not as sweet or flavorful as golden syrup. If you like, try reducing the corn syrup in a saucepan to thicken it.) golden raisin = Sultana Notes: These are more tart than ordinary raisins. Substitutes: raisins (Ordinary raisins are darker, but very similar to golden raisins.) OR muscat raisins (These are larger and sweeter than golden raisins.) OR currants (smaller) OR dried apricots cream cheese = (in Europe) white cheese = queso crema Equivalents: 2 cups cream cheese = 1 pound Notes: An American favorite, cream cheese is a terrific spread for bagels and nut breads and a key ingredient in cheesecake and other desserts. It comes in low-fat and nonfat versions; these work well as spreads but compromise the flavor and texture of cheesecakes. Cream cheese made without stabilizers is also disappointing in cheesecakes, though it makes for a more acidic and flavorful spread. Store in the refrigerator. Unopened foil-wrapped commercial cream cheese is good for about a month after the "Best when used by" date on the carton. Once opened, you should use it within 10 days. Throw it out if mold appears. Substitutes: Neufchâtel (lower in fat and moister than regular cream cheese) OR equal parts ricotta and yogurt OR soy cream cheese OR tofu (use 3/4 cup tofu + 1/4 cup margarine + 1 tablespoon lemon juice to replace one cup cream cheese). OR yogurt cheese (usually lower in fat than cream cheese) OR buttermilk cheese (usually lower in fat than cream cheese) OR tofu cream cheese To make your own: Combine 2 cups milk and 2 cups whipping cream and heat the mixture in a double boiler (not aluminum or cast iron) until it"s about 90ºF (32ºC). Remove from heat and stir in 2 tablespoons cultured buttermilk, cover, and let rest in a warm place for one or two days until it has the consistency of yogurt. Pour the mixture through a colander lined with butter muslin (or several layers of cheesecloth) and drain for several minutes. Replace the muslin or cheesecloth and nest the colander in a deep bowl, wrap tightly with plastic wrap, and put the bowl into the refrigerator and let it continue to drain for a day or so until the cream cheese has the desired consistency. Add salt to taste. itd..... LP, R.


član od: 21.1.2008

sporočila: 3340

10. sep 2008 11:46

Rebecca, hvala za tale link - takoj si ga bom spravila. mamaF - Mojca


član od: 16.2.2007

sporočila: 182

10. sep 2008 11:51

Jaz tudi! Odlične informacije! Hvala habibti


član od: 25.3.2013

sporočila: 5

25. mar 2013 8:46

Jaz imam samo eno pripombo glede cream cheesa, saj ste vse bolj ali manj napisale da je to skuta, kar je verjetno res, sicer pa američani bolj ali manj uporabljajo Philadephia cream cheese, ki se seveda dobi tudi pri nas, in je malo bolj kislega in polnega okusa, kot pa sama skuta, tako da bi jaz priporočala Philadelphio.  Tudi buttermilk sem nekje zasledila, da naj bi bil sirotka, kar ni res, saj je sirotka produkt skute, pinjenec, oz. buttermilk pa je, kot že ime samo pove produkt masla. Lahko ga naredimo na dva načina in sicer da navadno smetano miksamo tako dolgo, dokler ne nastane maslo, sama voda, oz. mleko, ki ostane pa je torej buttermilk,    (povezava) drugi način pa je, da k šalčki mleka dodamo čajno žličko kisa ali limoninega soka in putimo na pultu za 15 min.(povezava). Glede doublecream pa sem se tudi sama spraševala, sam verjetno res ni neke spremembe če pač uporabimo navadno smetano. Pekan orehe (slika zgoraj) pa dobiš v Lidlu pri oddelku za čips in oreščke. Upam da sem povedala kaj koristnega. Lep dan še naprej;)



član od: 9.11.2004

sporočila: 15835

25. mar 2013 8:58

Super si povedala, predvsem pa dobrodošla na kulinariko.

Pa nič hudega, da si v bistvu obnovila pet let staro temo, sem vsaj pri pregledovanju en pozabljen link našla...


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