Torta shrek


član od: 17.9.2007

sporočila: 83

tema odprta - 29. maj 2008 21:16 | ogledi: 2.609 | odgovori: 2

Živjo! Oglašam se po dolgem času, pa me zanima, če je že katera delala torto, ki ima obliko Shreka, ali pa vsaj glavo?!

Lep pozdrav!


član od: 18.6.2007

sporočila: 51

29. maj 2008 21:33

Upam, da bo kaj pomagalo, sicer je angleško, pa vendar.....



Easy directions for making this Shrek cake:

Shrek cakeBake a round cake the size that you need. With an icing filled bag and round tip, size #5, draw Shrek on the top of the cake. Cut the cake away from the outline of Shrek. Use the cut pieces to form the ears. Use icing to hold the pieces together.

Use star tip, size #18 to do all of the fill in work and round tip, size #5 to do all of the outline work.

Make a yellow green icing. Take a small amount of the yellow green icing and add a tiny bit of black gel color to make it darker. Then use the darker yellow green icing and round tip, size #5 and do all of the routine work on the eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

Change the tip to a star tip and fill i the center of his ears and his nostrils. Now do his eyes. Fill in the iris with brown icing, the pupil with black icing, and the rest of the eye with white icing.

Now use a dark brown icing and fill in his eyebrows. Change to a light red icing and fill in his lip. Fill in the rest of his face with the yellow green icing.

Now change your tip to a round tip and make the two lines from his nose to his lip, the line on his chin around the ends of his smile on his cheeks and the lines above his eyebrows.

Use your dark yellow green icing and outline again around his eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

Now use your dark brown icing and round tip and make small lines on his eyebrows with the points ending at the tops of his eyebrows and a little bit above to make his eyebrows look bushy and complete your Shrek cake.

This Shrek birthday cake is perfect for any child who is a fan of the Shrek movies.


morska medvedka  

član od: 31.8.2004

sporočila: 2716

29. maj 2008 22:40

Osebno take torte še nisem delala.


Lahko pa si malo ogledaš torte na netu.

V gogle vpiši: cake shrek, izberi samo slike in dobiš kar nekaj zadetkov.




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