3. apr 2008 14:16
Alx, zgolj nekaj signifikantnih copy/paste:
A brand of Detox / Ion Foot Baths in the United states is ionSpa. In an article appearing in The Ledger in December 2007, ionSpa points out that its machine is registered with the Food and Drug Administration under a category for non-medical devices and they make no medical claims.
Zadnjih devet besed pove vse.
The process is supposedly based on osmosis -- an ionater in the water-filled footbath released ions into the water. The polarity is reversed periodically, creating positive and negative ions, which are then taken up into your body through your pores. Your cells are then supposed to be energized by the ions in the water, which encourages your cells to release oil, acid, fat, heavy metals, and other debris and waste which has accumulated in your cells and bloodstream over your entire lifetime. As your cells release the toxins, again through osmosis, the toxins are carried out of your feet and back into the water, turning it a bright rust color, or a murky brown, or some other dramatic shade that makes you say "Ewwwww!"
Bi mogoče kak biolog tole pojasnil, osmoza, pa elektroliza, mi nekak ne gre skupaj. Prav tako ne razumem, kaj ma tu veze izmenična napetost, razen tega, da se čuje malo bolj UF, pa imamo naenkrat aniona, katione, pa še ione
Zakaj za vraga, bi pa tok sploh šel skozi naše pore, tok se s tem nebi strinjal, vsaj večina njega bi odpeketala mimo naših nog.
O omenjeni mašini je na netu ogromno napisanega, ampak večina strani ima nek komercialen interes.