Nebo nad berlinom


član od: 7.1.2002

sporočila: 2107

tema odprta - 11. sep 2007 8:10 | ogledi: 2.784 | odgovori: 11

spet imam nenavadno željo. nujno bi potrebovala zgoraj omenjeni film (v doktorat bi rada vključila nek monolog, ker vsebinsko ustreza moji vsebini; saj veste uvodna motivacija).

v slovenskih dvd-tekah ga ni, na AGRFT je, vendar na VHS (tudi to bi rešila), vendar ga je treba priti izkat osebno, se včlaniti v mediateko (20 eurov). tega pač ne morem, ker sem priklenjena na posteljo. na amazonu je samo ena rabljena različica.

vprašanji se glasita. ima kdo omenjeni film in bi mi ga bil pripravljen posoditi?

ali veste na katerem naslovu bi se ga dalo downloadad? sem popolnoma neizkušena v tem. v brkljalnik sem vtipkala original naslov film download, vendar nisem našla nič pametnega.

še to, potrebujem originalno različico, ne remake wings of desire. kar se jezika tiče, je lahko slo, nemški, angleški, italijanski.

lp mimika


član od: 21.10.2003

sporočila: 2514

11. sep 2007 8:27

Wings of Desire ni remake, ampak ameriski prevod naslova. Remake ima naslov City of Angels. Za zacetek ti morda pomagajo tile citati , sicer pa lahko isces pod iskalnikom pod script in "himmel uber berlin" lp, proxima


član od: 16.4.2006

sporočila: 688

11. sep 2007 8:31

Na cobissu imajo filmsko knjigo tega filma, samo jaz nevednica ne vem, kaj se v filmski knjgi nahaja. A so notri tudi monologi? Ne vem od kod si doma, ta knjiga se nahaja v Mariborski univerzitetni knjižnici. Obstaja možnost medknjižnične izposoje, ko ti knjigo v tebi najbližjo knjižnico dostavijo v nekaj dneh. No upam, da se bo našel nekdo, ki ti bo sposodil film. Lep pozdravček magnolija


član od: 12.12.2001

sporočila: 7859

11. sep 2007 8:36

»Ko je bil otrok otrok, ni vedel da je otrok. Vse je bilo polno življenja in življenje je bilo eno.«

Verjetno misliš na tole, samo je precej daljše, ta košček imam med svojimi priljubljenimi. Drugače sem pa našla samo monolog v angleščini:

When the child was a child, it walked with its arms swinging. Then the child was a child, it walked with its arms swinging. lt wanted the stream to be a river, the river a torrent... and this puddle to be the sea. When the child was a child, it didn't know it was a child. Everything was full of life, and all life was one. When the child was a child, it had no opinion about anything. lt had no habits. lt often sat cross-legged, took off running... It had a cowlick in its hair, and didn't pull a face... when photographed. Look. The consolation of lifting one's head out here in the open... of seeing the colours enlightened by the sun... in all men's eyes. At last mad, no longer alone. At last mad, at last redeemed. At last mad, at last at peace. At last an internal light. Loni Makaroni

katka lopatka  

član od: 1.12.2006

sporočila: 4996

11. sep 2007 9:03

Upam, da so ti punce zgoraj kaj pomagale. Dodala bi, da za downloadanje filma potrebuješ ustrezen program. Če zadeve zgoraj niso OK, oz. ne boš našla nič pametnega, ti ga lahko jaz "dol zvlečem", posnamem in pošljem po pošti. katka piratka :)


član od: 7.1.2002

sporočila: 2107

11. sep 2007 10:13

loni, žal ne. potrebujem monolog starejšega gospoda, ki hodi po Potsdamer Platzu oziroma po tistem, kar je od njega ostalo in razmišlja o tem čudovitem trgu in o političnih spremembah, ki so pripeljale do uničenja trga in berlina na sploh. angel ga pri tem opazuje. proxima imaš prav. malo sem zamešala naslove, ker se z angleškim prevodom nisem nikoli srečala. sem se pa z nemškim originalom na srečo nekajkrat in to v samem berlinu. mimika


član od: 12.12.2001

sporočila: 7859

11. sep 2007 10:56

l cannot find the Potsdamer Platz. Here? This can't be it. Potsdamer Platz, that's where Café Josti used to be. ln the afternoons, l went there to chat and to drink a coffee... and to watch the crowd. Before that l smoked my cigar at Loese and Wolf... a renowned tobacconist. Just across from here. This can't be the Potsdamer Platz. And no one whom you can ask. lt was a lively place. Tramways, horse-drawn carriages... and two cars: mine and that of the chocolate shop. The Wertheim store was here, too. And then suddenly, the flags appeared. Here... The whole Platz was covered with them. And the people weren't friendly anymore ... and the police wasn't either. l will not give up... as long as l haven't found the Potsdamer Platz. Where are my heroes? Where are you, my children? Where are my own, the dull-witted... the original ones? Name me, muse, the immortal singer... who, abandoned by his mortal audience... lost his voice. He who, from angel of poetry that he was... became the organ grinder ignored or mocked... outside, on the threshold of no man's land. 20 Marks, 40 Marks, 80 Marks. ln a week l could have 500. Off to the south. What a crazy idea to stand here. Too much traffic. ldiot, three times he's been this way. l want to get out of here. lf anyone recognises me, l'll be thrown out of secondary school. l need Klaus, he'd take good care of me. He was so good, too good. And now he's dead. Are there still borders? More than ever. Each street has its own border line. Between each plot there's a no man's land strip... hidden by a hedge or by a ditch. Who dares, will fall on booby traps... or be hit by laser beams. The trout in the water are really torpedoes. Every proprietor, or even tenant... Sticks up his nameplate like a coat of arms... and studies the paper like a world leader. The German people are divided into as many states as there are individuals. And these small states are mobile. Each one takes his own with him...



Loni Makaroni


član od: 7.1.2002

sporočila: 2107

11. sep 2007 14:26

Loni, ti si zlata. to je to, kar rabim. stokrat bohlonaj. upam, da bo prilika, da ti vrnem. res je čudovita tale kulinarika. spet sem čisto vzhičena nad njo. danes zvečer dobim tudi film. nečak, ki pogosto downloada filme, mi ga bo priskrbel, ampak že napisano besedilo je mnogo boljše. mimika


član od: 12.12.2001

sporočila: 7859

11. sep 2007 14:58

mimika, ni zakaj, film je med mojimi najljubšimi... in seveda citati iz njega tudi. Loni Makaroni

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