Najprej bi pohvalil forum, ki je vsaj zame pravo odkritje.
Imam pa sledeče vprašanje. Kje se v Sloveniji lahko kupi grško seno ( Fenugreek ) in v kakšnih oblikah se pojavlja?
Hvala za pomoč in lep pozdrav
Boštjan Flis
Najprej bi pohvalil forum, ki je vsaj zame pravo odkritje.
Imam pa sledeče vprašanje. Kje se v Sloveniji lahko kupi grško seno ( Fenugreek ) in v kakšnih oblikah se pojavlja?
Hvala za pomoč in lep pozdrav
Boštjan Flis
17. maj 2002 14:57
Mislim, da je to isto kot triplat. Poskusi pri zeliščaricah na tržnici. Lep pozdrav in vsem lep vikend! macaneznan uporabnik
20. maj 2002 8:41
Med vikendom sem se uspel znajti sam. Na tržnici zadeve nimajo. Našel pa sem jo v pasaži Maksimarketa. 100g semen stane 160 SIT. LP Boštjan Boštjan Flis
20. maj 2002 18:37
kaj pa sploh je to grško seno ali triplat in za kaj se uporablja? Prvič slišim zanj majaneznan uporabnik
21. maj 2002 10:45
Fenugreek Fenugreek Tea is a natural herb.This very pleasant tasting tea should be taken before meals and before retiring to help aid your digestive system naturally. The tea mixes with the food in the stomach, helping to absorb, by solvency, the impurities that may sometimes foster stomach troubles. Helps maintain a healthy digestive tract. Headaches, backaches, and that run-down feeling are often caused by pockets of impurities in the intestinal tract. Fenugreek Tea helps flush out impurities, which may have been inside of you for a long time. By helping dissolve excess mucus, it helps your digestive organs feel sweet and clean. Try it today. "Your products have made a difference in my life. I’m 66 years old, and since I started using your products, I feel younger. I was having trouble with my stomach and Fenugreek cured it. Cranberry concentrate tablets helped me with my urinary problem. I’ll keep buying your products!" S.A., El Paso, TX What is Fenugreek Fenugreek (Trigonella graecum) is a leguminous spice crop. The name comes from Foenum-graecum, meaning Greek Hay. Most cattle like the flavour of Fenugreek in their forage. The plant was often used to improve the smell of poor hay and make it more pallatable for the animals. Why is it produced? One of the oldest known medicinal plants, use of Fenugreek dates back to the ancient Egyptians and Hippocrates. The bitter-sweet seed is used as a popular folk remedy for sore throats and colds. Fenugreek seeds, which are available whole and ground, are used to flavour curry powders, spice blends and teas and several other foods. It is used for imitation maple syrup flavoring. Its leaves (rarely available) can be used in salads. Where is it produced? The plant is native to southern Europe and Asia and is well adapted to dryland conditions in the Dark Brown and Brown soil zones. What does fenugreek look like? It is an erect annual herb, growing about 2 feet high, similar to alfalfa (trifoliate) White flowers appear in early summer and develop into pods that are long, narrow and sickle-shaped. Each pod contains 10-20 seeds. The seeds contain about 5 per cent of a strong-smelling, bitter oil, which can be extracted by ether; 22 per cent proteids; a volatile oil; two alkaloids, Trigonelline and Choline, and a yellow colouring substance. The chemical composition is similar to that of that of cod-liver oil. It is rich in iron, phosphates, lecithin and nucleoalbumin. Also contained in the seeds is diosgenin (0.1 - 0.2 percent) which is used for cortisone preparations and synthesis of other hormones. How is it produced? Fenugreek likes hot and dry conditions. It may be grown on a fairly wide range of soils, but is best adapted to well-drained rich soils. Growth is slow and weak in cold temperatures and wet soils. The plant is a legume and requires little or no nitrogen fertilizer. It can actually improve the nitrogen status of the soil. There is very limited production of this crop at present but contracts are available. Boštjan Flis
19. nov 2004 12:49
Fenugreek semena sem vsejal v okolici Ljubljane in zraslo mi je dovolj grškega sena za uporabo in sušenje.
21. nov 2004 22:16
Je tudi sestavina indijske mešanice začimb Curry (to ni isto kot listi rastline curry). Naj bi rasla tudi pri nas, vendar jaz ne vem, kje. Sporočilo je spremenil(a) Veri dne 21. nov 2004 22:16:58
3. apr 2012 15:44
Grško seno lahko kupiš v Sanolabor - ju. Pitje čaja pa pripomore tudi za izboljšanje lasnih korenin.Samo ne pretiravat , da ne pride do kakšnih trebušnih krčev in drisk. LP vsem.
3. apr 2012 15:52
MafinTortica, po tolikih letih, bojo zelo veseli tvoje pomoči ( sploh ne dvomim, da so ves čas čakali pravi odgovor )
4. apr 2012 1:59
mafintortica, hvala! ga iščem že dolgo. v sanolaborju pa še res nisem poskusila.
4. apr 2012 11:32
Saj ta triplant ali grško seno raste tudi pri nas. Jaz ima srečo, da ga imam nekaj okoli svojega doma, vendar ga sama potrebujem:). Po mojem ga ni težko najti tudi drugje po Sloveniji v naravi, samo kakšno zeliščarsko knjigo z fotografijami v roke, pa bo. Sedaj še ni začel niti cveteti. ima pa v jeseni semena v strokih.
antonija7Kulinarična Slovenija ne odgovarja za vsebino foruma! Vse napisano je odgovornost piscev besedil.
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